Reading My Poem "Fresh Tree" for Earth Day 2020
Go to our Local Ventura Poet's Group on Youtube to watch and listen to me read this poem, "Fresh Tree" from my book of poems, Dead Tree...
Home Deliveries Then and Now
With much of our food and supplies coming to us in this our plague time through pickup and delivery, I’ve been reflecting on such...
Covid-19 The Estrangement Phantom: Biology and Society
Viruses are neither living nor dead, but somewhere in between. As microscopic parasites, they need actual living material in a host cell...
Global Pandemic and Cosmic Wisdom
Freedom is the Recognition of Necessity—Philosopher Georg W. F. Hegel (1770-1831) Life Burdens How are you doing today? I ask this in...
2020 03 22 Coping with Current Disaster
REFLECTIONS ON COPING WITH CURRENT DISASTER: MARCH 22, 2020 By Bob Chianese Freedom is the Recognition of Necessity—Philosopher Georg W....